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The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

Volume 55, Issues 5-6,
Pages 445-621 (December 1995)

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Introduction to the Workshop on the Molecular and Cell Biology of Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenases, Pages 445-446
Jerzy Adamski and Yvan de Launoit
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (11 K)

Placental 11-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase and the Programming of Hypertension, Pages 447-455
Jonathan R. Seckl, Rafn Benediktsson, Robbie S. Lindsay and Roger W. Brown
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (933 K)

The Human 11-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type II Enzyme: Comparisons with Other Species and Localization to the Distal Nephron, Pages 457-464
Z. Krozowski, A. L. Albiston, V. R. Obeyesekere, R. K. Andrews and R. E. Smith
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1407 K)

Type 2 11-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase in Foetal and Adult Life, Pages 465-471
Paul M Stewart, Christopher B. Whorwood and J. Ian Mason
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (646 K)

Analysis of the Human Gene Encoding the Kidney Isozyme of 11-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase, Pages 473-479
Anil K. Agarwal, Fraser M. Rogerson, Tomoatsu Mune and Perrin C. White
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (980 K)

Expression and Characterization of Isoforms of 3-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase/54-Isomerase in the Hamster, Pages 481-487
Fraser M. Rogerson, Jean-Guy LeHoux and J. Ian Mason
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (526 K)

Structure-Function Relationships and Molecular Genetics of the 3-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Gene Family, Pages 489-505
Jacques Simard, Rocio Sanchez, Francine Durocher, Eric Rhéaume, Carl Turgeon, Yvan Labrie, Van Luu-The, Farida Mebarki, Yves Morel, Yvan de Launoit and Fernand Labrie
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1533 K)

Organization of 3-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase/Isomerase and Cytochrome P450scc into a Catalytically Active Molecular Complex in Bovine Adrenocortical Mitochondria, Pages 507-514
N. Cherradi, E. M. Chambaz and G. Defaye
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (708 K)

Kinetic Analysis of Enzymic Activities: Prediction of Multiple Forms of 17-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase, Pages 515-524
Charles H. Blomquist
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (797 K)

Role of 17-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 in Endocrine and Intracrine Estradiol Biosynthesis, Pages 525-532
Matti Poutanen, Veli Isomaa, Hellevi Peltoketo and Reijo Vihko
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (795 K)

Molecular Genetics of Androgenic 17-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenases, Pages 533-534
Stefan Andersson
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (201 K)

The Tissue Distribution of Porcine 17-Estradiol Dehydrogenase and its Induction by Progesterone, Pages 535-539
M. Kaufmann, J. Carstensen, B. Husen and J. Adamski
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (770 K)

Molecular Characterization of Mouse 17-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase IV, Pages 541-548
Thierry Normand, Bettina Husen, Frauke Leenders, Hélène Pelczar, Jean-Luc Baert, Agnès Begue, Anne-Claire Flourens, Jerzy Adamski and Yvan de Launoit
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1092 K)

Intrinsic Sterol- and Phosphatidylcholine Transfer Activities of 17-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type IV, Pages 549-553
U. Seedorf, T. Engel, G. Assmann, F. Leenders and J. Adamski
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (440 K)

Expression and Regulation of Aromatase and 17-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 4 in Human THP 1 Leukemia Cells, Pages 555-563
Franz Jakob, Dorothee Homann and Jerzy Adamski
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (812 K)

The Role and Proposed Mechanism by Which Oestradiol 17-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Regulates Breast Tumour Oestrogen Concentrations, Pages 565-572
Lorna J. Duncan and M. J. Reed
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (757 K)

17-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Activity in Endometrial Cancer Cells: Different Metabolic Pathways of Estradiol in Hormone-responsive and Non-responsive Intact Cells, Pages 573-579
Luigi A. M. Castagnetta, Annalisa M. Montesanti, Orazia M. Granata, Giuseppa Oliveri, Carmela M. G. Sorci, Rosalba Amodio, Maurizio Liquori and Giuseppe Carruba
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (533 K)

Characteristics of Human Types 1, 2 and 3 17-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Activities: Oxidation/Reduction and Inhibition, Pages 581-587
Van Luu-The, Zhang Ying, Donald Poirier and Fernand Labrie
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (573 K)

Structures Important in Mammalian 11-and 17-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenases, Pages 589-600
Igor Tsigelny and Michael E. Baker
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (840 K)

The Roles of Microfilaments and Intermediate Filaments in the Regulation of Steroid Synthesis, Pages 601-605
Peter F. Hall
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (479 K)

Mitochondrial Specificity of the Early Steps in Steroidogenesis, Pages 607-616
Walter L. Miller
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1047 K)

The Subcellular Localization of 17-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 4 and its Interaction with Actin, Pages 617-621
Monika Markus, Bettina Husen and Jerzy Adamski
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1080 K)


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